Thursday, January 31, 2008

Alex at the Doctor

Alex was a very brave boy on Thursday morning! Dr. Youkalis did a procedure to help Alex stop getting so many nosebleeds. Alex was a rockstar and only cried "for a minute." We were very proud of him!

A Trip to the Children's Museum

As a reward for Alex's bravery, we went to the Children's Museum. There was a new Curious George exhibit , better known at our house as "George Monkey." The kids played with the golf exhibit, farm and windmills. The entire exhibit was in both English and Spanish! The kids also rode the carosel, visited the trains and ate lunch at the restaurant. Elena was a very tired girl towards the end of our outing. What a fun day!

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Christmas Eve in Michigan

After a very busy day, which included 5 hours in the car for our drive up to Michigan, and a feast over at Aunt Terry's house, the kids were very tired. After sprinkling reindeer food (thanks Grandma Sandy!), and reading one of our favorite books "Grumpy Santa," we put out cookies and milk for Santa. Of course, Elena had to taste them to be sure they were good enough for Santa to eat.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Grandma Sandy's Birthday

We celebrated Grandma Sandy's birthday at Buca di Bepo. We all enjoyed an excuse to over-eat and spend the evening together. Grandma Sandy was happy just to have her family with her, although she seemed to like her presents too!

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Little Painter

Alex "helped" Dad paint our bathroom this weekend. He had been helping Mom take the wallpaper down little by little for weeks, and was VERY excited for the painting part. He was quite proud of his hard work.

Friday, January 4, 2008

Alex's Photo Shoot

Alex was such a ham for a recent photo shoot. He loves having his picture taken and had begun "borrowing" Mom's camera to take pictures lately.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Snow Angels

The boys braved sub-zero temperatures to play in the snow. They went sledding, threw snowballs and made snow angels before coming inside.

Hat Girl

Elena does not liked the cold weather, but is enjoying wearing her new winter gear. In this photo she is standing next to her new favorite playgound- Mom & Dad's desk. She plays on the computer and scavenges in the drawers every chance she gets!