Thursday, February 28, 2008

Cousin Ellie's 1st Birthday!

Ellie turned 1 on Thursday. Her party was a blast.The adorable birthday girl ate her beautiful cake so delicately her dress did not get dirty!Elena got right in the middle of the gift un-wrapping fun. She sat on the zoo toy she gave Ellie to watch her unwrap presents, with a little help from Aunt Melinda.
Elena grabbed a birthday balloon and headed to her favorite spot at the Robinson's house- the piano. She is quite a musician!Uncle Bill was also at the party and gave Alex cousin Jonathan's old Cub's hat, a new glove and baseball. Alex was very excited to try it all out and be a "real" baseball player.Alex & Elena posed with the birthday girl before heading home to bed.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Hockey Team In-Training

Jeff is a lifelong Red Wings fan and has been particularly excited about hockey during this terrific season. Go Red Wings! He bought two new sticks so everyone would have one to play with in on our evening hockey games. Wearing socks on the hardwood floors is good training for the ice rink! Alex loves to play, and even likes being "checked" by Daddy.

Elena will sometimes join in the fun, but mostly she just likes watching and chewing on the hockey sticks.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Elena's Baby

Elena's new baby talks, drinks water and pees in her diaper. Elena loves to bring her everywhere with her- in the car, to school, out to restaurants- and asks for in the morning when she wakes up. It is very sweet to watch her be a little mother. Elena shared her yogurt snack with her Monday evening before dinner.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Dad's Day at the BJE

Wednesday was Dad's Day at the BJE. Alex and his classmates hosted lunch, presented the Dad's with their gifts and performed a dance. The gift was a tie/belt rack made out of wood. Alex got to use an actual drill to make it, which he loved. Between his new painting skills and ability to use power tools, maybe he can be our Mr. Fix-it around the house?


Elena and Alex helped Mom make cookies after dinner Wednesday night. Alex pulled the chair Elena was sitting on over to the oven so they could both watch the cookies bake. Yummy!

Monday, February 4, 2008

George Monkey

Alex and Elena love the "George Monkey" movie, a.k.a. Curious George. They have talked non-stop about George since our trip to see him at the Children's Museum. Before we turned on the movie, they ran down to the basement to find their Curious George dolls from Uncle Tom and then did their George Monkey dance during the opening song of the movie. So cute!

Sunday, February 3, 2008

The Muscle Man & Big Girl

Alex insisted on wearing his muscle shirt after we went swimming at the indoor gym pool this morning. He took breaks from lunch periodically to flex his big muscles. What a silly boy! Elena is sitting at the table instead of on top of it to eat now. She is getting to be such a big girl!