Monday, March 31, 2008

Little Ballerinas

The kids brought the tutu out at bedtime the other night and danced around the room together. Alex will probably not like this picture very much in a couple of years!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Elena Making Banana Bread

Alex loves helping to cook, but Elena has not been interested until recently. She loves bananas, so we decided her first item to bake would be banana bread. She was very excited to mash (and taste) the bananas. This has become our new weekly tradition together with the over-ripe bananas.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter Brunch

We celebrated Easter on Sunday by having brunch with the Galvins. Aunt Melinda, Uncle Tony, Ellie, Uncle Bill, Kathy, Jonathan and Grandma Sandy came over for blueberry pancakes and football.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Potty Time

Elena has been interested in the potty lately, but this was the first time she pooped on the potty. What a big girl!

Saturday, March 1, 2008

New Clothes for Alex

Aunt Tracey sent bags and bags of clothes and toys that cousins Matthew, Andy and Nicky had outgrown. Alex was excited to go through it all and insisted on trying things on immediately, even though some of it is a little too big for now. Alex has a whole new wardrobe for years to come. Thanks Aunt Tracey!