Saturday, December 27, 2008

Leaving Michigan

The kids got in one last round on the toy computers before it was time to say goodbye to our family in Michigan on Saturday. Yes, that is a princess computer Alex is playing with.Alex was very sad when it was time to leave. He showed off his best sad face when saying goodbye to cousin Shawn. And pouted during a little snack prepared by Grandma Liz. Elena did her best to cheer him up, even tried on his Power Ranger mask.
Fortunately, cousin Katy is coming back to Indiana with us. This should to ease the transition from being around all the cousins!

Friday, December 26, 2008

Sledding Fun in Michigan

It was freezing cold in Michigan during our Christmas visit, but that did not stop the Walker clan from bundling up to sled at Warwick Country Club. Jeff grew up swimming and playing golf over at Warwick, which has the best sledding hill in the world.

This was Elena's first sledding adventure. She borrowed a snowsuit from cousin Molly, and was ready to go!
Cousin Shawn helped Alex go down the hill alongside cousins Eric, Mitchell and JD. Uncle Jimmy helped Alex get back up the big hill.
Alex at the bottom of the hill with all the sleds.

Aunt Lori with Molly and Ellie. Cousin Sofie is only 5 months old, so she sat this session out. We are looking forward her joining us next year!
This run had so much speed, the sleds crossed the street into a neighbor's yard. I was glad I wasn't there to see this, or might have packed up and headed home!
The girls played in the snow together.
Alex piled on Mitchell and JD for a ride down the hill together.
Shawn and Eric take a break for the ever-present camera.
Elena was more interested in eating the snow than playing in it.
Uncle Tommy gave Jeff and Elena a push down the hill.
Isabelle and Elena head down together.
Uncle Tommy gives Alex a ride back up.
Christopher, Mitchell and Blake head back up together.
Alex, Jeff, Elena and Isabelle say cheese for the camera.
Only minor wounds were sustained, including a bruised chin and bumped forehead for Alex.

More Sledding Fun

Alex got a running start before sledding down the hill. He went so fast, it was uncertain if he would be able to put on the brakes in time to avoid crossing the street. It is a good thing I wasn't there to watch this, or sledding time might have been put to an end after this run!

The boys piled on for this sled-train ride down the hill.

Elena was content to just eat the snow and watch the big kids.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas Morning

With our 2 and 4 year old around, Christmas has been even more of a joy this year. I love seeing their surprise and delight in opening gifts and discovering new toys. I'm not sure what Alex's favorite gift is this year - he's still playing with everything. But he definitely likes the Batmobile with hidden Batmotorcycle from Santa. Elena's favorite, hands down, is Elmo Live. He tells stories, sings songs and tells awful jokes. The look on her face when she unwrapped the package from Santa and discovered Elmo inside was priceless!

Christmas Past and Present

It is hard to believe only two years passed between these photos taken at Aunt Jill's house at Christmas time...

Merry Christmas

We hope this special day is filled with peace, health and happiness for you and your family.
Elena, Alex, Jeff and Elizabeth

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Cookies for Santa

One of our family's favorite Christmas books is "Are You Grumpy Santa," which talks about the importance of doing nice things for other people.
After sprinkling reindeer food for Santa's reindeer (thanks Grandma Sandy!) and reading some of our favorite Christmas books (including "Are You Grumpy Santa?"),we put out some cookies and milk for Santa Claus so he wouldn't be grumpy. Of course, Elena had to taste the cookies to make sure they were good enough.

We are so excited for Christmas!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Galvin Family Christmas Celebration

Since we will be headed north to Michigan this week to celebrate Christmas with the Walker clan, we gathered with the Galvins on Sunday for brunch and to exchange presents. As hard as we tried (and tried and tried and tried), a picture of the kids and grandkids was just not meant to be this year. There were some funny attempts though.

Merry Christmas!

Friday, December 19, 2008

Baking Christmas Cookies

As we do every year since I was a kid, we used my grandmother's Holly Wreath cookie recipe to make cookie press Christmas cookies. Tonight was a good time to take a break from all the Christmas craziness and enjoy this activity with the kids. Alex was very excited about using the "guns" from Williams and Sonoma that Aunt Jill bought me for my birthday a few years ago. The kids both enjoyed adding the sprinkles and other decorations. The cookies turned out delicious, but we did not make enough extra to share with our friends and family. We will have to do some more baking later this week!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Elena Sneaking into Alex's Room to Sleep

Ever since Elena started sleeping in her big girl bed, she has had trouble falling asleep on her own. When she thinks the coast is clear, she creeps out of her room and into Alex's. She often just falls asleep on his floor, or right outside his room. Despite repeated attempts to help her get comfortable in her own bed, including having Jeff read outside her room three nights in a row to reassure her, she would still prefer to be with her big brother. On the night this photo was taken, Elena finally fell asleep in her own bed, but must have woken up at some point and crawled back into Alex's bed. I took this photo at 1:30am, after staying up late to finish up a St. Vincent project one evening. They just looked too peaceful to move.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Alex's Drawing for Grandma and Papa

Alex drew this fantastic picture from left to right of Elizabeth, Papa, Elena, Alex, Grandma Liz and Jeff. We included this and other artwork in the get well package we mailed to Michigan for Papa while he is in the hospital. Papa has been at the top of our list in our prayers this week, and are happy to report that he is feeling a bit better.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Making Pizzas

I taught Alex and Elena how to make english muffin pizzas this evening, which was one of my favorite things to make when I was a kids. Alex got into the task, creating faces on the pizzas, and making extras for Jeff.Elena was mostly interested in sampling the ingredients.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Visiting Santa

We decided to play hooky from school and work Thursday to get into the Christmas spirit. After picking out toys for several cousins at the toy store, we headed over to the mall by my office to visit Santa Claus. Elena was scared and crying at first, but Santa was very patient with her. He spent 10 minutes talking with her and Alex about their Christmas plans while she warmed up to him. Thank goodness there was no line! Alex was VERY excited to tell Santa all about what he would like for Christmas: a Batman car, a watch to learn how to tell time, and a calendar for his wall. Elena was focused on one thing: Elmo. The kids are now counting the days down until Christmas with their advent calendars from Trader Joes.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Elena Celebrates 2 Years of Being a Walker!

It is hard to believe only two years have passed since Elena joined the Walker family!

Elena with her Walker Day Chocolate CakeOur lives without her adorable presence is a distant memory. She is a little shadow to Alex- she even potty trained early to be just like him. She follows him everywhere, and is not scared to try new things with him by her side. Her excitement and cheers (often for the smallest of things, like petting the cats) is contagious. "Up" was her first word, and is indicative of her desire to be close to those she loves. She now demands to "sit lap," even if I am in the middle of cooking or doing laundry so that she can have a little cuddle. She has become an bookworm at two, rarely going far without a book. She brings "5 Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed" to sleep with her every night. She insists on giving hugs and kisses whenever she leaves a place; Mrs. Zawadski and Grandma Sandy are frequent recipients. Elena's sweet side is tempered by her willfulness and determination. She has no trouble saying no or letting you know when she is unhappy. She has thrown herself down on the floor in the middle of a store on more than one occasion. Dinner time can be a battle of the wills in order to get her to actually eat. Yet she somehow times her "luv you Mommy" for exactly the moment I need to hear it most. Her ability to simultaneously bring laughter while melting our hearts is a continual source of joy.

Elena Couldn't Wait to Bite Into her Cake
Watching her journey from babyhood to toddler and now on to little girl on a daily basis is a blessing we can not imagine missing. Each night when I rock Elena at bedtime, I sing "You are my Sunshine" to her. We are so blessed to have her sunshine in our lives!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Queen and King Artwork

Alex drew this picture of Queen Mom and King Alex with little baby princess Elena.

Snow Sweeper

Alex LOVES playing in the snow. We only got a light dusting last night, but his excitement about the snowfall would have convinced me that it was a foot of snow. He grabbed a broom out of the garage and began sweeping off the deck before Elena was even in her coat and gloves. Alex has learned at preschool that performing an act of kindness is called a mitzvah. We are periodically asked to send in note cards describing a mitzvah Alex has performed at home. These are added to a special tree on his classroom wall. When he was finished with the deck, Alex asked if he had done a "great deed." We are so glad he loves being such a big helper!

Friday, December 5, 2008

Dancing Queen

Elena will break out her moves whenever a song comes on. A dance class will likely be in her future to avoid the two-left feet curse of her mother.