Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas Stockings

When the kids came downstairs Christmas morning, they were surprised to see the fireplace open, the cookies gone, and their stockings filled with presents.
Darth Vadar isn't so scary when he is filled with M&Ms.
Elena tried on her empty stocking to see if it would fit.
After opening stockings and eating breakfast at home, everyone brushed their teeth and headed over in their pajamas to the hospital to see what Santa brought.

Unwrapping Christmas Presents at the Hospital

Most of Santa's presents for Alex & Elena were delivered to Elizabeth's hospital room. This made Elizabeth very happy since this meant she got to watch them unwrap their new toys from the comfort of her ICU hospital bed.

Elena cheered as Alex unwrapped his first, very big present.
The Star Wars Tank!

Elena took her shoes off to try on her new bunny slippers. Her favorite doll Anna also got a matching pair.

Santa's big present to the family was the Wii. We were on the last families we knew without one. We told Alex he needed to learn to read first, which he has been very motivated to do the last few months!

Elena was excited to show Grandma her new pink engraved ipod. It came loaded with her favorite Laurie Berkner songs and books on tape, and will be nice to listen to at bedtime.
Alex was excited to see a Captain Rex figurine.

For sibling presents this year, we visited Borders Bookstore where each child selected a book. Alex picked out Olivia Acts Out for Elena, and Elena picked out a very cool Star Wars pop-up book for Alex. When Elena saw her book, she said "This is my favorite book ever. How did you know Alex?" and spontaneously gave him a hug. It was very sweet. Unlike this look a little later on.
After all the unwrapping excitement, the kids and mom were pretty worn out. Jeff and Liz packed everyone up and headed home for lunch and a nap. It was nice to spend Christmas together!

A Lazy Christmas Afternoon

The kids had a fun, lazy Christmas afternoon playing with their new toys.

Elena wore new pink cupcake pajamas from Grandma Sandy while playing with the princess make-up center from Grandma Liz. Her smile tells it all!
Elena loved painting her nails with her new polish, and was even allowed to paint Grandma Liz's nails green!
Now that the Wii is connected, Alex and Jeff have been working together to get to the next level on Lego Star Wars. Alex is pretty determined to beat the whole thing.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

No Grumpy Santa!

Every Christmas Eve we read the kids a book about how it is important to be nice to Santa and give him cookies and milk so his grumpies disappear. The kids were excited to participate in this ritual once again this year.

However, they were not so excited when it was time to go to bed. :(

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Sledding with Grandma Liz

There wasn't very much snow on the ground, but the kids were excited to play in it anyway. Grandma Liz bundled them up and headed to the back yard hill for a little fun.

Top of the Hill
Elena Pulling Grandma Liz
Alex was very excited to give Grandma Liz and Elena a little push.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Grandma Day at Monkey Joes

While Elizabeth has been in the hospital, Grandma Liz has been in town from Michigan to be help with Alex and Elena. On Saturday, Grandma Sandy joined Grandma Liz and the kids for some fun at Monkey Joes, a local bounce house.
Alex going SUPER fast
Happy Elena having a blast
Surprise! The Robinsons were at Monkey Joes too!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Alex Lost a Tooth!

Alex has had a loose bottom tooth for weeks. He poked and wiggled it constantly but it continue to hang on by a thread. Yesterday morning, he woke up and his tooth was gone! We could not find it anywhere. Alex went off to school to share the exciting news with his classmates and teachers.

Since we never did find the missing tooth, Alex decided to write the tooth fairy a letter instead. This worked like a charm- the tooth fairy left $2.00 in quarters in place of the letter. Alex is very excited to buy gum with this money. Maybe that will make another tooth loose?

Sponge Bob Square Pants x2 heads to bed

Monday, December 7, 2009

Walker Day!

We had a combined celebration for "Walker Day" on December 9th this year. The 9th is the day that Elena officially joined our family. Alex's day, November 25th, unfortunately occurred over Thanksgiving while Jeff was in Michigan with the boys at their Annual Deer Camp. So we celebrated the occasions on the same evening at the kid's favorite place: Arni's. After gorging on yummy pizza, we ordered a super special dessert. Alex took his usual one bite and declared it delicious, but he was full and didn't want anymore. His ability to turn away amazing desserts right in front of him is a trait I wish I could adopt! He returned to coloring while Elena dug in. His newly missing tooth is slightly visible in this photo.
Elena's pleasure at the ice cream/ chocolate cake/ chocolate chip cookie/ hot fudge concoction was obvious to all sitting nearby.
She even tried to lick to bowl clean.
We are very blessed to count these children as part of the Walker family!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Santa's Lap

Every year we visit Santa at Keystone at the Crossing so that the kids can share their wish list with him.
This year, Alex told Santa he wants a Star Wars Turbo Tank and a Wii. Elena wants bunny slippers for her and her doll Anna. And really, really big stroller. I wonder what Santa will be able to deliver?

Friday, December 4, 2009

Trader Joe's Balloon

Alex and I went to Trader Joe's together today. As usual, Alex picked out a balloon at the end of the shopping excursion. When we got home, he had a little trouble reaching the balloon when it hit the higher family room ceiling. Never one to give up without a fight, he gathered pillows to help reach the balloon.

Not Quite...
Elena Helps Out

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Decorating the Tree

We put up the tree in the living room on Sunday and began the task of decorating it. This is a very chatty time! The kids like to hear the story behind each of the various ornaments. We also talked about which presents we hope Santa brings us.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

Jeff headed to Michigan with the Walker boys for Thanksgiving, so Alex, Elena and Elizabeth joined the Galvins at Aunt Melinda's house for Thanksgiving lunch. Elena made the Turkey Hat at preschool. Alex made the turkey construction paper center piece for the table. It was a delicious meal and the kids loved playing with their cousins.

Elena thought she looked just like Mommy with the boots on. She even did a little Mommy song and dance.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Elena at Preschool

Little Miss Sunshine's School PhotoElena loves being in the 3s class with Mrs. Decker and Mrs. Boyer this year. She has made lots of new friends, but still especially loves Eve Weksler. Mentioning that Eve will already be at school waiting has been a terrific motivator when Elena is having an especially sleepy-headed morning.Art and music are Elena's favorite classes. She often comes home singing a new song and with paint from some new project on her sleeves. She loves playing outside on the playground- Mrs. Decker says she would like to swing all day. She is very happy at preschool this year!

Friday, November 6, 2009

Alex the Kindergartener

Alex is having a great year as a kindergartner! He was burned out on preschool toward the end of the 4s school year, so we were a bit apprehensive about how he would adjust to this important step. Having Mrs. Halt (who also taught his 3s class) along with Mrs. Ganser as teachers of their small class of 13 has been the perfect fit. Alex is getting lots of attention and has nominated himself the class leader with the new kindergarten words they get each week. He is excited to go to school each day, which is awesome to see!Along with Math, Reading and Hebrew classes, the kids participate in fun activities like swimming, creative movement, library, art class and gym.
Alex's favorite activity is playing on the playground- it one time each day the Kindergarten and Junior K kids get to be together. Alex also likes to stay for ETC occasionally to have more time with his friends. He has also been having more play dates.
It has been a great school year so far, and we look forward to watching Alex learn how to read this year!

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!

The kids were excited to head in the neighborhood to collect as much candy as they could carry home. Before they began their search, Aunt Kathy and Uncle Bill stopped by to see their costumes. Bobba Fett took a shot at the Princess Pony near the scarecrow and frankenstein given to them by Grandma Sandy. Bye Bye Scarecrow and Frankenstein!Trick or Treating with the Neighborhood Star Wars Family
Bill and Kathy were still at the house when Alex and Elena returned home for a break. Elena "sampled" her Halloween candy by shoving a whole candy bar in her mouth. Grandma Sandy also stopped by for a few minutes during this break and joined us in trick or treating at a couple of housesThe next door neighbors had a very spooky house.Elena had enough and was ready to go home.
With Alex still out trick or treating with Jeff, Elena took advantage of the time to line up her some of her candy and decide which one she should try next.