Saturday, January 31, 2009

Ice Skating Practice

The Boys on the IceAlex is signed up to start hockey lessons on February 10th, so we headed over to the ice skating rink today for an introductory session on the ice. Jeff had not been on ice skates in 20 years, so he was a little uncertain about his ability to teach Alex how to skate. His natural athleticism kicked in and he was at ease (even skating backwards) in no time. Alex took a little while to warm up, but by the end of the time, other fathers of young boys shared their disbelief about this being his first time.

Hold On Tight

A Little Help From Dad

No Hands!!!

Mom and Elena watched from the stands. At first, Elena was content to play with her baby and princess phone. But as the time got closer and closer to nap time, she went into full-on crazy mode, running laps in the stands. So we let Alex and Jeff know it was almost time to go on their next pass-by.

One More Lap Dad!

Friday, January 30, 2009

The World According to Alex

Each Friday, Alex's preschool class does "Creative Expressions." Each child takes a turn coming out into the hallway to answer a question with the volunteer Mom of the week. The questions are tied to something the class has been talking about that week. I have volunteered the last two Fridays and have enjoyed spending a little one-on-one time with each of the kids and getting to see their personalities a bit more. The best part of "Creative Expressions" though is finding out what Alex's four-year old imaginative brain comes up. Here are some of our favorites:

What is your job?
My Dad's job is to fix people. My Mom's job is to talk to people. My job is to go to school.

What can you do now that you could not do when you were a baby?
I can walk now. When I was small I was in Russia and people took good care of me and there were lots of babies and I shared my crib. But now I have my own bed.

What makes you giggle?
When Daddy tickles me, and Elena sneaks into my bed.

What does winter mean to you?
Winter is when trees are with icicles on them.

If you climbed to the top of a tree, what would you see when you get there?
I would see a tiny giraffe and an elephant.

After their Conner Prairie field trip, they were asked "what chores do you do at home?"
I put my dinner dish on the counter after dinner. I clean up my toys and sing the clean-up song.

Pretend you are taking a walk and you come to a big hole. What do you see when you look down?
A lot of bugs. I could jump over it.

What makes you special?
God makes us special.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

You Talk

Elena LOVES books. Of course we read books as a family at bedtime and go to the library together, but Elena wants books with her at all times. She brings them with her everywhere: on the potty, in the car, into bed. She will bring a book for us to read to her at least 5 times a day. When I am distracted or busy doing something else, she will poke me with the book and command "you talk." It is hard to ignore her! In this photo, she took a time out from basement play time with dad to read a favorite Dr. Seuss book with Mom.
Jeff and the kids plated steamroller and wrestled a bit more before it was time to head up to bed. After a long day of being a serious grown-up doctor with his patients, it is fun to see Jeff be a big kid with Alex and Elena.

Another Snow Day

School was canceled again Thursday due to the heavy snowfall. The kids and I were getting a little stir crazy, so we ventured out for a little while in the morning- to the gym, Target, and the sporting good store to buy hockey gloves. The roads were not great, but it was nice to get out of the house after being cooped up all day on Wednesday. After nap time, we bundled up and head outside for a some snowy fun.

I love to shovel!Mom's Little Snow BunnyAlex's Dump Truck Pretending to be a Snow Plow
What Travel Advisory?
Maybe this is why we had to stay home again?
A little digging around in the snowDaddy is home!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Snow Day

Nine inches of snow fell while we slept last night. School is canceled and I called off from work to enjoy the snowy day with the kids. Alex had his snow gear on before breakfast was on the table to go outside. Currently, he is "helping" to shovel the deck. I am sure a snowman and sledding are in our future!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Grandma Sandy's Birthday

We celebrated Grandma Sandy's birthday with a delicious dinner and homemade cake by Aunt Melinda. It was nice to have everyone together to celebrate the happy occasion!

The little girls "helping" Grandma open her presents
Ellie giggling for her Mommy
A little basement fun
Elena hanging out in the bag from Grandma Sandy
Time to take Elena home!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

A Visit from Jungle John

Jungle John visited the Bureau of Jewish Education on Wednesday, and the preschool classes got quite a show! There were all kinds of animals for the children to look at and touch. Elena's teacher took photos of the 2-year old's reactions.

Elena got right up front and center to see all the animals. The snake was a big hit.
Elena had no fear in petting it.
The roaches were fun to look at, but not touch.
Ever since Jungle John visited, Alex has asked when we can go to the pet store to buy a new pet.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Elena Had a Little Lamb

Elena learned the nursery rhyme "Mary had a Little Lamb" at school this week. She used cotton balls to create this artistic masterpiece. When she was all done, she put her artwork in her cubby to make sure it made it home for display on the kitchen bulletin board.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Sweet Caroline

Although our family says prayers together every night before bed, Alex asked me while he was brushing his teeth one morning this week if it would be okay to also say a prayer for God to hear when it wasn't nighttime. I said of course, and he told me he wanted to pray for his friend Caroline Symmes.

Caroline is 4 years old classmate of Alex's at the BJE. She was diagnosed with a Wilms tumor in October. She has been a very brave girl for multiple surgeries and all her chemo treatments. Our family has enjoyed bringing meals to her and her two younger siblings while she was in the middle of her treatment cycle. This was not necessary recently since she had been feeling so well. She even returned back to school in December.

Unfortunately, Caroline had a pretty significant relapse over the holidays. She is back at Riley Children's Hospital now getting some mega doses of chemo for her new tumor, and will stay there as an inpatient for at least two more weeks. Our family has been keeping Caroline and her family in our prayers. It would be wonderful if you could add her to your list as well.

Monday, January 12, 2009

A Knock Knock Joke

We bought a crate of clementine oranges at the grocery yesterday, and Elena was thrilled to find out that she could peel one all by herself to pack in her lunchbox. She is getting so grown up!

Alex is a funny boy, but his sense of humor is a work in progress.
Here is his joke for today:

Knock Knock
Who's There?
Elena Who?
Elena Orange.
Ha, ha, ha!

Although his comedic skills need work, he manages to reduce his sister into total hysterics so it's not all bad.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Traveling Teddy Returns

It was Alex's turn again to have Traveling Teddy visit our family this weekend! Teddy takes turns spending the weekend with each of the children in Alex's preschool class. We celebrated the happy occasion by inviting the Robinsons over for a pizza party Friday night. Ellie brought over her Stinky Bunny to introduce to Teddy.
Teddy seemed to like the pepperoni pizza the best.
After a long day, Alex was happy to share his bed with Teddy that night. Fortunately, there was enough room in there for three. Elena has been wandering into Alex's room every night, and this night was no exception. We always put her back in her own big girl bed whenever we discover her sleeping in his room, but she usually sneaks back again in later in the night. She loves her big brother!Saturday morning we went to the gym and ran a few errands, which made everyone including Teddy very hungry. So, we decided to introduce Teddy to the wonders of MCL. He especially loved the blue jello.After lunch, we went cheer on cousin Blake's basketball team. They played against our church, Our Lady of Mount Carmel, and won!Saturday afternoon included a little quiet time on the couch with Teddy, Elena and Daddy while watching football. Sunday morning we awoke to find a little snow had fallen overnight. Before we could even eat breakfast, Alex had his boots and coat on to go "shovel" the snow on the deck with a broom. Despite not having much snow, it was VERY cold outside so we bundled Teddy up before leaving the house. Elena insisted on wearing her new rain boots. These new boots replace the much loved but too small kitty boots. They have "pretty ponies" on them, just like the Kenny Loggins song she listens to every night at bedtime. Our running around on Sunday included a trip to the grocery store. Teddy wanted Alex to teach him how to make cupcakes, so we made sure to buy all the necessary ingredients and some extra sprinkles.Alex had fun teaching Teddy how to make special robot cupcakes. He was big helper.Dad helped Elena make some pink princess cupcakes with pink frosting. Alex and Teddy patiently watched the cupcakes cook in the oven. They turned out perfect! Our busy Sunday ended with Elena falling asleep on Daddy while watching football.
We were sad to have to send Teddy back to Mrs. Goldberg's classroom on Monday, but we are so glad he spent the weekend with the Walkers!

Friday, January 9, 2009

Hockey Boy

Alex received a new hockey stick and Red Wings jersey from cousin Annie for Christmas. She also gave him her hand-me down hockey helmet and pads. Although Jeff and Alex play hockey around the house and in the driveway pretty often, this gift brought Alex's excitement about the game to a whole new level. So, I enrolled in him in hockey lessons at the local ice skating rink starting in February.
Let's just hope this isn't the beginning turning me into a hockey mom...

Thursday, January 1, 2009