Sunday, March 15, 2009

Florida Fun

We are having a great time in Florida. The weather has been sunny and 82 degrees every day so far. Alex calls this trip a "my-cation" instead a vacation. That about sums up our wonderful time here. Here is a little peak at what we did today.
Sandcastles on the Beach Alex Playing in the Waves with Dad Heading to the Pool After a Little Family Nap A Neighborhood Bike Ride After Going Out For Dinner

Friday, March 6, 2009

Football Players

The weather was unseasonably warm on Friday, so the boys played a little football outside after dinner.

A Future Colts Player ?
Someone's aim needs a little work!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Under the Sea

We are getting very excited for our trip to Florida next week. Alex has asked "how many more days until we swim in the ocean?" every morning for the last 2 weeks. To get a little taste of the ocean, I decided we should skip out on work and school Thursday to go watch "Under the Sea" at the IMAX Theater in the Indiana State Museum. The theater was almost totally empty, which allowed the kids to have their pick of seats.

This is the best seat in the house!The movie was fantastic. It was almost as fun as actually snorkeling. Elena sat in my lap the entire time since she was a little scared of the big screen, but really enjoyed the fish and sea lions. Alex sat on the edge of his seat , taking his glasses off whenever the movie was too overwhelming. But when it was over, he asked if we could watch it again while wearing his glasses the whole time. We will definitely do this again!

Will you stop already with the camera Mom?

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Elena & Anna

Elena's refusal to sleep by herself in her big girl bed continues!

I came upstairs Tuesday night to find Elena wide awake and snuggled up with her doll Anna in the hallway outside Alex's room. At least she was not in Alex's bed...

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Yummy Carrots

It is always fun to see what Jeff comes home with when he does the grocery shopping! Jeff took the kids out of the house on Sunday afternoon for a little adventure while I caught up on some work for Henry County Hospital. They ended up at Marsh where Alex requested BIG carrots. I usually buy baby carrots already cut up, so this was an interesting change. After letting the kids pick them out, Jeff let them peel the carrots themselves with a new peeler. The kids were very happy eating their carrots like bunny rabbits.