Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

 Alex and Elena showed a little spirit by wearing their green St. Patrick's day shirts today.  Aren't they cute little leprechauns?

Elena's First Time Ice Skating

Elena took her first spin on the ice at the skating rink today and was all smiles.  Even when she fell down, she got back up and kept smiling.  She liked using the ice walker, but it was very cute how she held on to her big brother for support. I wonder if she will be a hockey player like her big brother?

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Spring is Here!

It was sunny and 60+ degrees yesterday.  Jeff and the kids took advantage of the gorgeous weather by going on a bike ride and stopping in at the local playground.  

Alex was a terrific big brother pushing his sister on the swings, and Elena returned the favor!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Little Mommy

Elena has been practicing her big sister skills on her babies.  She sure loves Elmo!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Elena's Pony Ride

I wonder if Princess Elena will be able to talk her Daddy into buying her a real pony, instead of just a ride on the one at the grocery store?

Friday, March 5, 2010

A Late Night in the Atlanta Airport

The kids were great travelers on the way home from our visit to Grandma's house in Florida, despite the late hour. After a two hour layover in Atlanta, we arrived home to an awaiting Jeff after midnight. We had TWO dinners, a snack at Cinnabon, and then found a quiet corner to play at in Atlanta, before making a mad dash to our last minute terminal change.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Florida Vacation

The kids and I headed down to Florida to visit Grandma Liz for a few days during a school vacation. Although the weather was not very warm, it was great to see Grandma Liz and be able to play outside without our winter coats!

Fun Times in Florida

The weather wasn't warm enough for the swimming pool, but Elena took full advantage of the Florida sunshine to go on numerous bike rides around Grandma Liz's neighborhood.