Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Sick Elena

The stomach bug has hit the Walker family! Elena came home from school today after an ice cream celebration and threw up all over me TWICE.  Poor bunny.  Fortunately, Grandma Sandy came over to help out with the twins while Jeff took Alex to his birthday party at Monkey Joes.  Elena is being very cute and cuddly, but I hope this doesn't last long...

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Go Tigers!

Alex finished up another great soccer season today.
Jeff enjoyed being a coach this year, along with Dawson's dad, Dan Witte. The Tigers had an excellent season and only lost one game.
One of Alex's favorite things about soccer this season was playing goalie. It fun to watch him play again this season!

Friday, May 21, 2010

6th Birthday Celebration at School

Alex's class helped him celebrate his birthday a little early.  He shared some blue, orange and white chocolate cupcakes with the kindergarten class after they sang happy birthday to him.  It is hard to believe he will be 6 soon!