Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Halloween Costumes Have Been Chosen!

We ran into Costco tonight after dinner out, and the kids picked out their Halloween costumes.  Alex picked Iron Man, and Elena picked Snow White.  Let's see if these costumes last a whole month until the big day!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

A Girls' Day at the Zoo

Cousin Ellie and Maddie met us at the zoo on this gorgeous day for a little girl fun!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Starting with Technology a Little Early

The babies are fascinated with Jeff's iPhone. 

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Grandma Liz and the Twins

Liz has been a godsend these past few busy months, lending an extra hand to our family. Although she never had twins of her own, she is a natural with both of these babies at the same time!

Friday, September 10, 2010

The Green Dragons

Alex's soccer team was called the Green Dragons with the Carmel Dads Club this year.  The team had a good season, but it was more competitive than the league that he played in last year.  There were some surprisingly big kids on the other teams.  The Green Dragons had a great season, didn't win every single game like Alex's team did last year.

That much green could make ANYONE look a little sickly!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

The Twins are Officially Walkers!

The twins officially became Walkers today!

The Walkers, with our family court judge at the bench in the court room, after the proceedings were complete.

Grandma Liz came along to lend an extra hand and watch the big event at court. 

Later that afternoon, we all headed out for ice cream at Baskin Robbins to celebrate.  It has been a tradition for me to give ice cream to the other kids in the hotel room on the day they officially became Walkers in the Russia and Guatemala courts. Since the babies are now five months old, we thought it would be a good occasion to give them their first taste of the sweet stuff.
Jeff with David, picking out their ice cream

Grandma Liz helping Brian try his first bite of ice cream

Alex sharing his ice cream wih David

Monday, September 6, 2010


Logan Rosenberg, who I grew up babysitting for and now babysits for our family, now attends UNC.  He is a terrific cross country runner, and received a full scholarship.  Alex likes to wear the shirt Logan gave him and run laps around the house doing "running races, just as fast as Logan."

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Princess Elena

We have some pretty smiley kids!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Trying Out the New Highchairs

The babies seem to like their new matching highchairs so far!
The big kids are excited to have them join us at the dinner table .