Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Flying Elena and Attack of the Alex Monster

The kids and Dad had some fun floor time together early Wednesday morning.

Monday, December 25, 2006

Christmas Eve in Michigan

Elizabeth's birthday is Christmas Eve. The kids all sang happy birthday and helped to make a big fuss to make her feel special.We were very excited to be in Michigan to celebrate Elena's first Christmas as a Walker!

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Santa Visits Michigan, Too!

Santa makes a special visit to Uncle Jimmy's house every year on Christmas Eve. He asks the kids about any last minute requests that may not have made it onto his list, and reminds them that they must go to sleep early that night in order for him to visit their house.

Alex and Elena both sat on Santa's lap to tell him what they wanted. It is a little hard to hear them in this video over the craziness of the Walker clan in the background, but Alex made sure Santa heard about his train request.

We only celebrate Christmas in Michigan every other year, so the kids look forward to the chaos of seeing their grandparents, cousins, aunts, uncles, great uncles, great aunts and all the other extended family all at the same time.

Friday, December 8, 2006

A Big Brother Present from Grandma Sandy

Elena is home from Guatemala and Alex has a big brother present to unwrap. What could it be?

Big Brother Alex

Alex is very excited to be a big brother! After practicing tha last few months with baby dolls, he was ready to put his skills to work on the first night Elena was home. While Elena hung out in her bouncy seat, Alex picked out a favorite "baby" book with Elmo and Big Bird and read it to her.