Wednesday, April 30, 2008

We Love Spring!

Spring is in full force! We have been taking advantage of the gorgeous weather by going on nightly family bike rides (Mom & Dad keep up on rollerblades), playing on the deck every afternoon after nap time, and planting flowers. Our weekly trip to the gardening store has gotten a little expensive, but the kids LOVE planting and watching things grow. Elena, our little pica girl, has been sampling the dirt and vegetation.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Curious George at the Zoo

Alex's best friend Jack joined us at the zoo to visit Curious George storytime Saturday morning. Elena was a little scared of the big George, but carried her stuffed George everywhere that day. The kids had a great time enjoying the beautiful spring weather and seeing all the animals.

Bears at the Zoo

The polar and grizzly bears were a big hit.

Seals and Slides

A stop to watch the seals being fed their breakfast and a visit to the park finished off our exciting zoo excursion.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

A Visit to Michigan

We visited our family in Michigan over a the weekend. The kids had a great time playing with their cousins outside in the gorgeous weather. On Saturday, we visited the local Physicians Park where older cousins JD and Isabelle keep a close watch over Alex & Elena.
After some dinner and a bath, the kids went back outside with more cousins to run around the front yard.
Grandma Liz has a way of making doing nothing fun. She found an old bowling ball in the garage and the kids had a blast rolling it down Papa's wheelchair ramp. Grandma also helped the kids take turns walking along the garden wall. It was sad when it was time to head back to Indiana!

Monday, April 14, 2008

Elena's Cat

Although Alex calls Ghengis his cat, and Jeff would argue that he is his cat since he has had him since med school, he really is Elena's cat. He sits under her chair at the table every night at dinner, comes over to her to be petted, and lets her lay on top of him. In the morning after Elena wakes up she runs around upstairs yelling for her kitty. In this photo and video Alex is sitting on Dad's lap watching his new favorite movie. No, it is not the Disney Cars movie anymore- it is Enchanted. Our Butler college babysitter Julie brought it over to watch and Alex hasn't let her take it home since. Jeff isn't too thrilled about the princess movie obsession!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Cousin Maddie's Baptism

Baby Madeline's baptism was Sunday morning, and the Walkers were in attendance! We did not go to the party afterwards in order to avoid infecting the newborn and sister Ellie with our nasty head colds. Hopefully we didn't share our cooties.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Reading Fun

Elena is all about books lately. She picks one out and climbs into your lap no matter what you are doing, demanding that you read to her. We have been going to the library every week since she joined our family. It has become a favorite destination, especially during the cold winter. Elena's favorite books to check out have cats or babies. Doesn't her hair look long without her pigtails in?

Friday, April 11, 2008

Alex's 1st First Sleepover

Alex had his first sleepover Friday night with his best friend Jack. The boys were SO excited to play together! They went to the park and played outside for hours before having a pizza party, then wearing matching Batman pajamas for bedtime.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Fixing the Table

Jeff fixed the kitchen table, with a little help from Alex and Elena. Elena is imitating everything lately, and got right under the table to help Dad out.
Alex decided one of the tools looked like a gun and pretended to play army men with his sister.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

April Showers...

Alex and Elena recently got rain boots, and Alex was very insistent that he needed an umbrella to complete the look. He was very happy with his new purchase, and has been asking everyday if it will rain so he can wear his boots and carry his umbrella. The letter of the week at school was "U", so perhaps this could be considered educational?