Monday, June 30, 2008

Elena is 2!

Elena turned two on Sunday and was the cutest birthday girl ever. We began the day's celebration with a birthday breakfast of Elena's favorite foods- eggs, bacon, fruit and cinnamon rolls. Afterwards, she also blew out her #2 candle on a donut. When breakfast was over, we unwrapped a few presents. Elena is a little mommy to all her dolls, so Mom and Dad gave her a baby high chair and diaper bag. George Monkey got to try out the high chair first and was an excellent breakfast eater.
Alex has taken an interest in photography lately. Really, he just likes to play with electronics. It is funny to see the photos he takes with our cell phones and cameras when we aren't paying attention! He took this photo of the dolls partying together in their birthday hats.

Later in the day, we had a cookout with family members. Grandma Sandy gave Elena a baby cradle and bedding, which she promptly tried out with a new sleepy baby from Aunt Melinda. Doesn't Jeff look silly in his tiara?

No party is complete without noise blowers, tiaras and magic wands. Ellie made the funniest faces when Aunt Melinda blew on her. It is crazy how much she looks like her mommy when she was that age.

The girls tried to pose for a photo together, but there was too much going on for Elena to sit still.

Grandma Sandy also gave Elena some My Pretty Little Ponies. Instead of brushing the pony's hair, the kids groomed Mom.

The evening ended with some delicious pink princess cake.

While Elizabeth and Uncle Tony served cake and ice cream, Alex talked on the phone to cousin Jonathan who missed the party since he was out of town on vacation with his Mom.

The birthday girl has become a picky eater lately. She fights with Mom and Dad about eating dinner almost every night. However, she has no problem consuming sweets. She finished off her cake and ice cream in record time.

Happy 2nd Birthday Elena!

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Lazy Sunday Morning

Elena is a little snuggle bug! She joined Daddy and "her" kitty on the couch after a delicious Sunday breakfast for a little lazy time. The rest of the day was busy with a family trip to the gym and the pool, so it was nice to have a little quiet time together.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Big Ball of Fun

The Robinsons bought Alex a big water ball sprinkler for his 4th birthday and Monday was the perfect day to try it out. It is amazing how much energy the kids have to run around and chase after each other. They have been playing with this ball, the slip and slide and water guns nearly every day this summer with their favorite babysitter in the world, Logan Rosenberg. Logan does a great job wearing the kids out while Mom is at work in the mornings. In the afternoon the tired kids like to take a nap with mom in her bed. It has been a nice summer!