Sunday, July 26, 2009

Elena and Anna

Elena's favorite doll is named Anna. Anna was a gift from Grandma Liz from Pottery Barn Kids for Elena's 2nd birthday. For Elena's 3rd birthday, Aunt Jill bought her an adorable tutu, so of course it was necessary that Anna have one too. An adorable tutu and matching #3 shirts came in the mail today and Elena immediately dressed herself and Anna. The two girls then headed out to the deck for a little snack

Yummy, yummy fruit snacks
Are you hungry too Anna?
I will share with you!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Movie Tent

Alex asked if we could camp outside in a tent tonight. This was not adventure I was up for yet, so I set up the movie tent under the dining room table instead. The 50 blankets and pillows, two DVD players, Christmas lights and popcorn seemed to be a reasonable substitute. At least for now...

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Wisconsin Weekend

Sean's graduation from high school provided yet another excuse for the Walker clan to get together. This time, everyone traveled to Wisconsin for a weekend of fun in the sun. Although the weather was a bit cold, the kids didn't seem to mind. The following photos taken by Jeff show the great time had by all.

See you again soon!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Thank You Uncle Bill (I think...)

Uncle Bill's birthday present to Alex was a gift card, which Alex used to buy swords, swords and more swords. He bought nerf swords, which are excellent for having sibling sword fights.But what Alex is most excited about is the Star Wars Sword. Which of course required that he dig out his Power Ranger Halloween costume and wear all day despite the 90 degree heat.
Thanks a lot Uncle Bill. I owe you one.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Family Bike Ride

Jeff has been busy with our active children this summer. One of things they do together almost every evening is go for a bike ride together (with Jeff on his roller blades). Alex likes it best when Mom and Elena go shopping so that he and Jeff can go on adventures together. Alex's favorite destination lately has been Aunt Melinda's house.

Barbie Girl
Alex Doing Tricks