Saturday, January 30, 2010

More Monkey Joe's

After hockey practice Saturday morning, Alex attended a birthday party for his friend Ryan at Monkey Joe's.He was very tired after such a busy morning!

Friday, January 29, 2010

Alex's Shabat Nosh

Friday night was the Shabat Nosh program for Alex's class. We began the evening with crafts, including making a family tree and planting herbs. Then the kids marched up on stage to sing a few songs. Although Alex loved to practice the songs at home, he was a little shy up on stage. But he did a great job!After singing the final song about recycling, he joined us at our table for a little snack and prayer. It was a very nice evening!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Alex's Playdate

One of Alex's favorite friends, Jack, came home with us after school today to play, The boys don't get to hang out as much this year since Alex is in Kindergarten and Jack in in Junior-K. It was fun to watch them together, even if they did play the Wii most of the time.