Sunday, January 23, 2011

Happy Birthday Grandma Sandy!!!

We met up at Buca di Bepo's Pope Room to celebrate Grandma Sandy's 61st birthday together.  There was lots of good food to share, and the kids had a great time sharing Grandma's dessert with her.  Happy Birthday Grandma Sandy!!!!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

My 6th (and hopefully last) Surgery at Clarian North

My sixth surgery in the last 14 months was on December 28th at Clarian North.  I was in the operating room for 6 hours this time, 4 hours less than originally predicted.  After my last 10 hour surgery, I was prepared for a MUCH longer surgery and so happy they were able to address the adhesion and obstruction issues so quickly.

I spent two weeks inpatient at Clarian North, and was not smiles the entire time.  However, anesthesia used me as guinea pig with some kind of new implanted pain balls that released numbing medication into by abdomen for a few days afterward.  This made a huge improvement in my pain control!
 Seeing the kids smiling faces was a huge brightener to my day, and provided motivation for me to get better so I could get home sooner.
Elena had her class's Traveling Teddy with her for the weekend, so she made a big deal about showing him around the hospital.  He brushed his teeth in my bathroom.
They read books together in my hospital bed.
 They walked the hospital halls with me so I could get my strength back up.
They made a stop at one of the hospital's water fountains together. 
It was pretty sad when it was time for them to leave each night. I am so glad to be home sleeping in my own bed again!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

The Twins Vacation in Michigan

The twins spent some extra time at Grandma Liz's after Christmas while I had and recovered from surgery.  They had a great time, and got to spend lots of time with their cousins, aunts and uncles as shown in the following photos.