Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Last Swim Meet of the Season for Woods Run

It has been a busy summer with daily swim practices, and twice a week swim meet that last 4+ hours.  What a time commitment! How Jeff's mother had the patience to encourage seven children to participate in this sport (several of them into their college years) is beyond me.  It has been fun to get to know our neighbors better, and to watch the kids swimming progress in a short time.  But the parental time commitment is tough.  I am hopeful things will be more fun next year since Elena is ready to join the team- she can swim all the way across the deep end on her own now!  But I am not sure that juggling two two-year old twins at the hot, crowded swim meets that go on and on and on will be any easier...

Brian enjoyed eating his shoes on the way to Alex's swim meet
David and Elena engrossed in a princess movie on the way to yet another a swim meet
Elena telling Jeff something really, really important about her day, while he takes a time out from his busy line judging responsibilities.  He and Alex did not get home until after 9pm that night, so it was a good thing they got to hang out together for a couple of minutes at the meet.
Brian and David hold hands while plotting some sort of escape plan from the stroller
Alex placed 1st in his freestyle event! This was especially impressive because he was the very youngest swimmer on the league this year.

Woods Run Swim Team
a close-up of Alex in the second row, behind his best friend, Alex R