Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Last Day of School

The last day of school for the 3's class included a party that gave the kids a chance to say goodbye to their classmates and teachers, Mrs. Halt & Mrs. Strange. The kids performed for the parents to show off some of the fun things they had learned this year. Alex was unusually sad that day, but managed to smile big for a photo opportunity with Mrs. Halt. The teachers gave each of the students a bucket full of fun to enjoy over the summer vacation.

Alex's classmates this year included an Alexandra, Alessandra, Alec and Aidan. This could be a little confusing at times! Alex stopped eating his picnic lunch long enough to take a photo with Alec, one of the happiest kids in the world. Alec's laugh is totally contagious and he always seems to have a smile on his face. Alex will miss being in the 3's class, but is looking forward to being in the 4's class with Mrs. Goldberg in the fall!