Friday, November 28, 2008

Black Friday Shopping

It has been a long-standing family tradition to hit the day after Thanksgiving sales for bargains. However, having two kids and an out-of-town husband makes that a little tough, so I have stuck mostly with on-line shopping in recent years. But this year, I decided a bargain at Target was too good to pass up- a $200 digital camera on sale for $89. I desperately needed to replace my point and shoot camera, which has been trying to die for 2 months and finally quit working this week. And thus, Elena was introduced to the crazy madness of shoppers on a mission. We went with our Target ad in hand, made a bee-line for the electronics section past the shoppers waiting to checkout in lines 20+ deep, and grabbed one of the last Kodak 10.3 mega pixel cameras they had in stock. The nice man in electronics took pity on us (having an adorable toddler in a tutu is a trick I must remember in the future) and let us pay at his register. We were in and out of the store in under 7 minutes, in plenty of time to make my favorite 8:30AM yoga class at the gym across the street. What a successful introduction for my daughter to bargain shopping!When we got home, I gave Elena the old camera that hasn't worked in a week to play with and would you know it? It magically works again. She looked up at me and said "Look Mommy. I fix it!" She was very proud of herself. Perhaps she will become technician? Regardless, I am keeping my new camera.