Tuesday, April 28, 2009

A Picture of Papa

Aunt Lorna sent an e-mail today today with a picture of Uncle Ken, Uncle Lloyd and Papa and the following sweet note:
This picture taken at Uncle Lloyd's 70th birthday party, December 8, 2007, of the Big Three. Your dad made the comment while I was taking this that "perhaps there was more 'smarts' among the big 3 than there was in all the rest of the room'. Everyone laughed so hard but perhaps did agree. There certainly was the most experience in their small group.

It was so nice of Lorna to take the time to share a memory of happier times with Jim. Papa continues to be in our bedtime prayers each night, and we also pray that Liz continues to have the strength to care for him with grace and dignity. We are so glad that she has finally allowed the hospice program to provide some much needed help with their challenging days.