Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Doctor Daddy and his Monkeys

My nickname for the kids is "monkeys." Our week so far has shown how much they live up to this!Monday night after bath, Elena and Alex were singing the "No More Monkeys Jumping on the Bed" song. Little did we know that they were actually jumping on Mom & Dad's bed, until Elena let out a blood curdling scream. It turns out Elena fell off and "bonked her head" as the song goes. She got a pretty good gash on her forehead that was gushing blood, so Doctor Daddy fixed her up with some of the special super glue stitches. Thank goodness we avoided the ER!

Tuesday morning, I received a call from the preschool. When I saw the number on my cell phone, I figured it was something about Elena's interesting head wound. Unfortunately, it turned out Alex had fallen from the monkey bars. Alex was in a lot of pain from his arm where he had fallen, so we rushed over to Daddy's office for a quick look. Doctor Daddy declared it not broken (thank goodness), just sprained. I hope these little accidents are not a sign about the rest of the summer to come!