Friday, November 6, 2009

Alex the Kindergartener

Alex is having a great year as a kindergartner! He was burned out on preschool toward the end of the 4s school year, so we were a bit apprehensive about how he would adjust to this important step. Having Mrs. Halt (who also taught his 3s class) along with Mrs. Ganser as teachers of their small class of 13 has been the perfect fit. Alex is getting lots of attention and has nominated himself the class leader with the new kindergarten words they get each week. He is excited to go to school each day, which is awesome to see!Along with Math, Reading and Hebrew classes, the kids participate in fun activities like swimming, creative movement, library, art class and gym.
Alex's favorite activity is playing on the playground- it one time each day the Kindergarten and Junior K kids get to be together. Alex also likes to stay for ETC occasionally to have more time with his friends. He has also been having more play dates.
It has been a great school year so far, and we look forward to watching Alex learn how to read this year!