Monday, December 7, 2009

Walker Day!

We had a combined celebration for "Walker Day" on December 9th this year. The 9th is the day that Elena officially joined our family. Alex's day, November 25th, unfortunately occurred over Thanksgiving while Jeff was in Michigan with the boys at their Annual Deer Camp. So we celebrated the occasions on the same evening at the kid's favorite place: Arni's. After gorging on yummy pizza, we ordered a super special dessert. Alex took his usual one bite and declared it delicious, but he was full and didn't want anymore. His ability to turn away amazing desserts right in front of him is a trait I wish I could adopt! He returned to coloring while Elena dug in. His newly missing tooth is slightly visible in this photo.
Elena's pleasure at the ice cream/ chocolate cake/ chocolate chip cookie/ hot fudge concoction was obvious to all sitting nearby.
She even tried to lick to bowl clean.
We are very blessed to count these children as part of the Walker family!