Sunday, December 26, 2010

Brian and David's Baptism

It was a beautiful ceremony.  We were surrounded by family, and love, and all things good. It was a very, very happy day. 
The baptism cake, that we ate with brunch at Grandma Liz's house
Brian's baptism, complete with laying of hands by as many people as could reach.
David's baptism, with David looking as chilled-out as ever

Brian with Godfather Jamie and his wife Jill; Debbie Rosenberg is his godmother but is on her way down to sunny Florida to celebrate the new year with her family, so Jill stood in for her.

Godfather Uncle Guy-Guy and Godmother Aunt Diane holding David

Grandma Liz with her boys.  She will keep them with her this week in Michigan while I have and recover from yet another surgery on Tuesday.
The Walkers

Aunt Terry and Aunt Tracy cheesing for the camera at church
Alex with his little brothers

Cousin Matthew

At the baptismal font with family gathered around us

Uncle Guy-Guy with the baptismal candles

The Deacon at Holy Family, the church Jeff attended as a child

The ceremony

Babies with their Godparents and Parents

The Walkers with Grandma Liz
A very happy Uncle Jamie with his godson

Friday, December 24, 2010

Happy Birthday to Me!

This has been one very crazy year that I prefer not to repeat.  I honestly told everyone I was 36 for about half the year, before realizing I was really 35.  I guess that is where sleep deprivation and 13 inpatient stays gets you! 

The Walkers made their usual big fuss over my big day even though it gets a little lost in all the Christmas Eve excitement.  The grandkids all gathered around my cupcake-birthday cake for the lighting of 36 candles by Uncle Jimmy and Cousin Mitchell.
The Happy Birthday Song

Blowing Out the Candles

Elena eating most of my cupcake
Green Frosting!

Molly's green mouth

The boys with Aunt Diane and Cousin Katy

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The Littlest Walkers

 The boys spend a lot of time running around the house in their walkers.  The big kids like to play hide & go seek with them: they run into the other room and wait for the babies to come chase after and "find" them.  Brian is faster than David right now, but both are pros at running over our toes, especially when we are in the kitchen making dinner.
Brian Walker in his walker
David cheesing for the camera and showing off his two teeth

David "shopping" in the pantry

David and Brian helping Mrs Schiller with the laundry

Brian all tuckered out from a day of fun, taking a little nap on the couch

Monday, December 13, 2010

A Snow Day!

School was cancelled today because of the snow.  Alex was very excited to go play outside (still in his pajamas).  He hates wearing all the cold weather gear, but I managed to get him in a coat and gloves before he went out to throw snowballs.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

A Little Pre-Christmas Fun

 We headed to the Indianapolis Children's Museum early Sunday morning and were one of the first families through the doors.  We had the place mostly to ourselves for the first hour and a half, and headed straight for the Christmas exhibit.
Excited to get upstairs
 The kids quickly headed upstairs to see how fast they could go on the Jolly Slide.
Afterwards, we spent a lot of time in Alex's favorite part of the Museum, the dinosaur exhibit.
Digging for dinosaur bones

Doing the Dino Puzzle

Afterwards,we headed to the Barbie exhibit.
 Elena with "the most beautiful Barbie in the world."
Elena on the catwalk, with Alex taking a photo

Elena on the Barbie wheel

Taking the first of many rides on the carousel

A quick pit stop

Time to say goodbye!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Walker Family Christmas Cards Through the Years; 2010 Coming Soon!




Bath Time!

The boys love their bath time, which often happens in the kitchen sink.

Smiling Brian

Big Dave eating his toe

Friday, December 10, 2010

Ho, Ho, Ho!

Our annual photo with Santa was a success, despite a case of strep (Alex), pneumonia (Elena) and two sleepy babies.  I think they were just excited to share their wish lists.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Walker Day Cookies

Today was the four year anniversary of when Elena became a member of the Walker family.  We celebrated with special cookies that the kids decorated with all the sprinkles and frosting they wanted. What a fun, sticky mess!