Sunday, December 26, 2010

Brian and David's Baptism

It was a beautiful ceremony.  We were surrounded by family, and love, and all things good. It was a very, very happy day. 
The baptism cake, that we ate with brunch at Grandma Liz's house
Brian's baptism, complete with laying of hands by as many people as could reach.
David's baptism, with David looking as chilled-out as ever

Brian with Godfather Jamie and his wife Jill; Debbie Rosenberg is his godmother but is on her way down to sunny Florida to celebrate the new year with her family, so Jill stood in for her.

Godfather Uncle Guy-Guy and Godmother Aunt Diane holding David

Grandma Liz with her boys.  She will keep them with her this week in Michigan while I have and recover from yet another surgery on Tuesday.
The Walkers

Aunt Terry and Aunt Tracy cheesing for the camera at church
Alex with his little brothers

Cousin Matthew

At the baptismal font with family gathered around us

Uncle Guy-Guy with the baptismal candles

The Deacon at Holy Family, the church Jeff attended as a child

The ceremony

Babies with their Godparents and Parents

The Walkers with Grandma Liz
A very happy Uncle Jamie with his godson