Saturday, February 20, 2010

Silly Soup Eaters

Elena is a BIG fan of soup. On Saturday, we ate lunch at Max & Erma's (affectionately referred to in our household as Max & Ruby's, after the Nickelodeon cartoon). Elena ate most of Mom's spicy tortilla soup and and helped Dad finish off his as well. 

Elena is definitely our more adventurous eater, but both kids always at least try everything on their plates.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Purim Celebration

We attended the celebration of Purim for Elena's class this evening.  Elena dressed as Queen Esther, which meant that she could pile on all the dress-up jewelry and accessories she could find from the dress up bin on top of a frilly dress.  She looked adorable, and she knew it!
Jeff and Alex were all smiles after Elena's performance.
The father classmate Elise took this rare candid family photo of all four of us.  Usually I am the one behind the lens, so it is nice that we are all captured together.

Even rarer is this photo of just me and Jeff, taken by 2s teacher, Mrs. Zawadski.
 Time for our tired kids to head home!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Getting Ready for Florida

The kids and I are going to see Grandma Liz in Florida during the last week of February! We found some cheap $89 flights, and it is during a time they are off school due to a teacher conference. I am looking forward to hanging out with Liz now that I am feeling well again, and plan to take full advantage of the sunshine. The kids are in a bit of Grandma Liz withdraw after all the time they spent with her in October, December and January while I was in the hospital, so they are looking forward to this time together. They are also curious about the airplane ride- it has been almost a year since we last flew together as a family, so they have asked lots of funny questions about flying.

Elena's crazy growth spurt continues, so I bought her a few new bathing suits this week. She got the new ones and old ones out tonight and proceeded to dress her each of dolls in one. Then she lined them all up and gave "swimming lessons." Explaining the finer points of water safety
Hello Kitty needed a little extra attention since she is "scared of the sharks"
After all the instruction, it was time for bed. In this photo you can glimpse the new banister we had installed this week. Our handymen, Mel & Scott, have been a daily presence in our house for the last two weeks. They have been terrific, and the house is looking better every day, but it will be nice when the house is not a construction zone anymore.

Elena wanted to wear her swimsuit to bed, but we compromised on her princess pajamas instead.
We are looking forward to our time together in Florida!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Hockey Star

Align CenterAlex has been attending hockey classes since January to improve his already terrific skills. On Saturday, he officially graduated from the Hockey 1 Class. He is now a member of Hockey 2, which allows him to play two games each week.
He looks so grown-up in all his hockey gear!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Jungle John Visits the BJE with a few friends

Jungle John is a local celebrity that comes to visit the children at their school each year, bringing along different exotic animal friends each time. He is as funny as a stand-up comedian, which makes his act fun for the parents to watch too. I showed up over at the school a little early on Tuesday since Alex is still not feeling quite right after his weekend bought with the stomach flu (which he generously shared with Jeff, resulting in three days of missed work).

Alex and classmate Alessandra volunteered to help Jungle John out with the ferret. The ferret was a bit stinky...
...and Alex was not interested in smelling him up close.
However, he did enjoy watching it turn all the way around in its tube.
Up next was Bubba the Frog, the only non-jumping frog I have ever seen.
Alex visiting with the most laid-back, kid-friendly dog ever
Pat the Bunny!
Wings the owl is very smart.- he flapped his wings whenever his name was said or even spelled! The new readers of the Kindergarten class enjoyed taunting him a bit by yelling out the letters.
I am glad I got to share this performance with my sick little boy!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Zhu Zhu Pets

Alex and Elena received the Zhu Zhu pet slide from Grandma Liz for Christmas, but every store in town was sold out of the actual pets. Grandma Sandy remedied that situation this weekend when she and Elena were out on a Target shopping date together. The kids are now proud owners of Winkie and Scoodles and are having a lot of fun playing with these LOUD toys. Thanks Grandmas!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Elena in Action

Elena is at a very fun age right now, and loves to be silly. She does something every single day that makes me laugh.

She grabbed a straw be sure she could drink and eat every last bit of the watermelon.
She made Valentine's Day cards (with extra glue) for just about everyone she could think of, including "the Robot," our Roomba vacuum cleaner.
And she put on my mittens to play hand puppets.I am looking forward to seeing what this joyful child does next.