Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Jungle John Visits the BJE with a few friends

Jungle John is a local celebrity that comes to visit the children at their school each year, bringing along different exotic animal friends each time. He is as funny as a stand-up comedian, which makes his act fun for the parents to watch too. I showed up over at the school a little early on Tuesday since Alex is still not feeling quite right after his weekend bought with the stomach flu (which he generously shared with Jeff, resulting in three days of missed work).

Alex and classmate Alessandra volunteered to help Jungle John out with the ferret. The ferret was a bit stinky...
...and Alex was not interested in smelling him up close.
However, he did enjoy watching it turn all the way around in its tube.
Up next was Bubba the Frog, the only non-jumping frog I have ever seen.
Alex visiting with the most laid-back, kid-friendly dog ever
Pat the Bunny!
Wings the owl is very smart.- he flapped his wings whenever his name was said or even spelled! The new readers of the Kindergarten class enjoyed taunting him a bit by yelling out the letters.
I am glad I got to share this performance with my sick little boy!