Tuesday, February 10, 2009

First Hockey Lesson

Alex had his first hockey lesson Tuesday afternoon. He and Jeff have been practicing at the ice rink for a few weeks, but this was his first time with the coach and other kids. Hockey 1 at the Carmel Ice Skadium is designed for kids ages 3-5 to learn skating fundamentals like forwards & backwards skating, crossovers, stride and stops. Classes are held every Tuesdays at 4:00 pm. We signed him up for this level 1 class, but he ended up in the Hockey 2 class, which focuses more on stick handling skills and drills with fun games for kids ages 5 and up.

It was hard to get a good photo of the lesson through the protective shield (and still keep an eye on Elena)! This fuzzy picture shows how the 2 levels divided up. Hockey 1 kids were on the ice up front practicing skating skills, while Alex with the other boys did drills back by the net. Although Alex was not the best kid in the class, he had an awesome attitude. He picked himself up and did his best to keep up with the other bigger kids.Hockey Boy Coming Off the IceWatching the High School Kids Practice
Alex was very proud of himself, and so were we. We look forward to watching his hockey skills continue to progress in the coming weeks!