Sunday, February 15, 2009

Our Build A Bear Experience

One of Grandma Liz and Papa's Christmas presents to Alex and Elena was a visit to the Build A Bear Factory. We finally had a "quiet" weekend at home, since we cancelled our trip to Michigan to attend to the contractors and service people in the house fixing up the flooded basement. So we decided this was the perfect time to to enjoy the Build A Bear experience.

Alex and I got on the Build a Bear website on Saturday to look at all the choices. He is really fascinated by computers lately, and had fun checking out the games and other categories. Despite the preparation, he changed his mind several times at the store on Sunday before settling in on "Z" the Zebra (Alex's name choice). He decided Z should have a dinosaur roar noise after pressing every one of the sound choices at least 5 times. However, the really hard decision was finding Z the perfect outfit. He modeled the police officer uniform, the Iron Man costume, the football player uniform, hockey player skates, and several others before settling on the "army man"gear.

Alex "Driving" the Stuffing Machine to Fill "Z" Up
Elena, on the other hand, zeroed in immediately on Hello Kitty, which just happened to match the dress she insisted on wearing that morning.

Elena and Her "Kitty"
Elena being the total girly girl that she is, picked out accessories for Kitty like a hairdryer and cell phone. These objects were the source of a fight about sharing in the car on the way home- not a great way to start things off. But the kids quickly got over this and had a lot of fun playing with their new friends when we got home.

Z & His Tent Helping Alex Play Leapfrog
Kitty and Elmo Helping Elena Match the Puzzle CardsThank you Grandma Liz and Papa!