Thursday, June 18, 2009

"My Kitty"

Elena has never been very interested in our three (now down to two) cats. She talks about them, knows each of their names, questions where they are at various times, but sometimes expresses fear about them. They do not come to her, and she does not seek them out. This relationship contrasts dramatically with that of Alex, who treated Ghengis (our kitty who lives in heaven with God now) like a little brother. Alex still has crying jags about why Ghengis had to go live with God instead of staying to play here on earth with him. It is really sweet and really, really sad. But not the point of this story.

So last week, we noticed Taylor had not come downstairs to eat her dinner for a few days. Taylor is notoriously shy (she once hid in the corner of the closet with her nose against the wall for an entire week when we moved), so this behavior wasn't too unusual. But a very thorough canvasing of the house did not turn her up. Taylor NEVER goes outside, but we searched around the neighborhood, armed with flashlights as it got late, to no avail. I was convinced that she had curled up in a corner of the house to die in piece. She is 11 years old, and has been through a lot, including losing most of her teeth. We kept our eyes open for the next four days, but no Taylor. In the meanwhile, we had two of the worst summer storms ever- one tornado warning, and another with hail so big that Jeff's car sustained $4000 in damage.

I was convinced that my cat, who I had rescued from the pound while in since law school, had probably died out in that awful weather. Imagine my surprise when I came home from work at lunchtime on Thursday to Elena telling me that she had found "my kitty!" Elena grabbed my hand and took me over to the hydrangea bushes in the front yard, and there she was! Taylor was a little worse for the wear, but happy to have me pick her up and bring her back inside the house. She ate constantly for a few days, and now seems back to her old self with one exception: she now LOVES Elena. She curls up next to Elena in bed and tolerates her petting her (which she does for no one else but me). I think Taylor knows Elena saved her life and doesn't mind being claimed as "my kitty" by Elena.

Elena has a new-found interest in cats now, and insisted on wearing this adorable Halloween costume handmade by Aunt Tracy a few years ago. It is a heavy costume, which is usually a great thing in October. However, the hottest day of the year should have been another story. Elena persevered in wearing it all day anyway.