Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day!

The kids picked out Jeff's Father's Day present on Thursday: a new iPhone! There was NO chance the kids would have been able to keep it a secret, so they gave it to Daddy a little early. Jeff has had a blast playing with it. I am just excited about how easy it will be to keep in contact with him via my iPhone (which I was given by work).

Father's Day morning started out with the kids allowing us to sleep in until amost 9. I got up and made the kids breakfast and turned on some cartoons downstairs before rejoining Jeff in bed. Unfortunately during that little snooze time, Elena and Alex decided the cupcakes we made yesterday would make a better breakfast and proceeded to help themselves. I am sure there is something nutritionally redeeming about pink cupcakes, right?

Uncle Bill hosted the Galvin clan on Sunday afternoon for another one of his delicious feasts. This time, he spent all weekend smoking ribs. This provided a great excuse for us to all gather together to give thanks for all the amazing fathers in our lives.

Alex joining an eating Aunt Melinda and Cousin Ellie for a photo opportunityThe Master Chef and His Lovely Assistant Jonathan Enjoying Some Ribs
Jeff the Messy Eater
Jeff ate until his belly was over-full, but was convinced that the state would pass in time to eat the 10 more ribs he brought home as a late night snack.
Maddy with her Daddy
Maddy decided to pass up on the ribs this year while she waits to get a few more teeth.
I Can't See You!
Elena refused to open her eyes for a photo opportunity with Mom.
Ellie and Her Dog ToyFrog Cake
Melinda made another one of her delicious dessert creations. It looked almost too good to eat, but decided we Elizabeth shouldn't wait any longer.
Elena and Mommy eating the "frog butt" together.
Little did I know, Elena managed to con Grandma Sandy into thinking she hadn't had any cake later on, and finagled another piece. The Galvin Girls
Grandma Sandy holding Ellie, Aunt Melinda holding Maddy and Elizabeth holding Elena
A Little After-Dinner Wii Competition
Jonathan and Alex played Mario Cart together while Jeff and Elena cheered them on.
Guitar Hero
Since our babysitter Julie left us her Guitar Hero game for the summer, Alex has gotten pretty good. He even knows a few fancy moves. Grandma Teaching Ellie a new trick
Grandma Sandy demonstrated the fancy trash can to Ellie, Why pass up an opportunity for education , even in the most mundane tasks? Snuggling on the Couch with Grandma Sandy
The kids love playuing with all of Uncle Bills' fancy toys out in the garage. Today's big hits were the motorcycle and lawnmower.
Elena Thinking About Performing Some Lawn MaintenanceAlex Begging for A Ride on the Cool Motorcycle