Monday, August 24, 2009

Goodbye Papa

We are home from Michigan tonight after a long, emotional weekend celebrating the life of Dr. Jim Walker. There were a lot of tears the past few days, but also quite a few laughs. The stories that we heard from family members, friends and patients were truly amazing. As hard as the mass, visitation, funeral and burial were, it was lovely to have an opportunity to meet so many individuals who were touched by this man. The sheer number of people who came to pay their respects was overwhelming- they had to shut the doors at 7pm Saturday at the visitation despite the long line that continued out the door and down the hallway of the funeral home. Dr. Walker was a fighter pilot in the Korean War, so there was a military ceremony at the cemetery. It was truly inspiring, and something he would have been very proud of. And gathering at Warwick Country Club, the setting of so many happy occasions for the family since he joined in 1963, was the perfect way to end the day.

This photo was taken of Papa giving Elena her first bottle in Michigan. There was a slideshow that included photos of him holding each and every one of the grandchildren this weekend. He loved the babies! Elena, along with cousins Molly & Ellie, were fascinated with looking at Papa during the viewing. They kept running up to the front of the room to peer in the open casket and talk to him. Elena asked why he was sleeping in a crib and when he would wake up. It broke my heart.

Dr. Walker was a voracious reader and shared his love of books with the grandkids. This photo was taken of Alex and Papa during the celebration weekend for Alex's 2nd birthday. Alex is having a tougher time processing this than Elena. Elena seems to just take it in and move on, while Alex is still trying to wrap his brain around things. Alex was Grandma Liz's escort for the funeral processional today, and was in tears right before heading down the aisle because he missed Papa. While our family slept over at Aunt Jill's house (thank you for your hospitality Jill!), Alex insisted on sleeping over with Grandma each night. I don't think she minded the company. He must have given her a hundred hugs today. That kid has such a big heart.

Alex has asked many interesting questions the last few days. Many have revolved around whether he is playing with our two cats who have died. We had to put Geddy to sleep just a few weeks ago, so we have recently been talking and reading about heaven and what happens after you die. I was grateful we had those conversations previously so this wasn't such a foreign concept.

What an amazing legacy Dr. Walker left- a wife of 52 years, 7 children and 21 grandchildren!Jeff is so much like his father. It was nice to learn more about him from all the stories that were shared- it gave me insight into the amazing man I am married to.

We will miss you Papa!