Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Newspaper Delivery Girl

Alex has been "pretending to be Logan" in the morning this summer while we wait for him to come over. This game involves him running out to the mailbox to get the newspaper, bringing it to the door, ringing the doorbell to let me know it has arrived, and then hiding somewhere until I come find him. How this is Logan-escapes me, but it is a favorite game. This morning, Elena beat him to it! She was so excited about her success, she refused to give the newspaper up and browsed through the sections of the Wall Street Journal on the driveway while we waited for Logan to come over to play.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Backyard Fun

The kids love to play in our backyard. They could spend the entire day out there digging in the sand box, watering the flowers, playing hide & seek, or doing somersaults. After hitting some of the special new orange practice golf balls they bought at the golf store that afternoon with Jeff, and watching Elizabeth do cartwheels, they took a much needed break to roll down the hill and pose for the camera.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Golf Goggles

Every good golfer knows that practice and a few superstitions are they key to a good round of golf. Alex has been diligent in practicing his golf swing almost everyday with a little help from Dad and Logan. He even brought his clubs over to his "my-cation" at the Rosenbergs Friday afternoon. When he returned, he decided that goggles are a necessary accessory for hitting the golf ball super far. He searched around the garage and found a pair of Jeff's swim goggles that seemed to do the trick.

"Hmmm... what could make my game even better?"

"These might do the trick..."

"Looking good!"

Beautiful hit!

A quick survey of the course with new binoculars will help with the next putt.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Happy Birthday Jeff!

Jeff turned 37 on Friday. Elizabeth was out of town at a work meeting Thursday night and Friday morning, so the Rosenbergs gave him an awesome present- a kid-free birthday! While the kids were with the Rosenbergs on "vacation," or as Alex called it "my-cation," Jeff played golf, took a nap, and then met Elizabeth for dinner at his favorite restaurant- Ruth Chris. To top off the perfect day, the Rosenbergs had Alex and Elena sleep over so Jeff and Elizabeth could sleep in on Saturday morning. Alex and Elena had a great time on their my-cation, and were sad when it was time to come home on Saturday. We had a belated family celebration of Jeff's birthday on Saturday evening. Alex picked out the yummy chocolate fudge cake since Jeff is such a chocoholic.

Swimming Like Fish

We always ask the kids if they plan to swim like fish before we head to the pool, but there is no need to ask. The kids have become wonderful swimmers this summer.

Elena takes a minute to decide whether she is ready to jump in.

Meanwhile, Alex is already swimming laps. Elena quickly overcame any apprehension and began to do crazy jumps off the side of the pool. She will jump whether or not anyone is there to catch her. She will even jump off the diving board. She has no fear! Alex is brave enough now to dive into the deep end and go all the way down to touch the bottom. No hands necessary for our little mermaid in her floaties.
Jeff has been patient and consistent in teaching the kids to swim this summer. They even go some evenings when he gets home from work as late as 7pm.Doing flips in the air is the best part of the pool. Alex likes to see how high up he can get, and makes Jeff do it again and again, giving him a pretty good workout in the process.
Again, Again!
Elena's turn to fly!

Elena took a drink break from all the flying.

And then practiced her modeling walk in Dad's huge shoes.

The boys head out from the pool to get dried off.Alex took a minute to look cool in Jeff's baseball cap.While drying off, the kids spotted the cell phone in the pool bag, and both wanted to play it immediately.
Elena did not react well to having to share, so hit her brother. She may be a small little girl, but she knows how to get her point across. Alex was a little sad, but didn't hit back. He is such a good big brother!
Elena saw his sad face and quickly apologized. All was quickly forgiven. We packed up to head home for dinner, but we will be back again soon!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

We Love Costco!

We took a quick trip over to Costco after the gym on Thursday morning. The kids LOVE Costco, and since it is right next door to the gym they frequently request that we go. They were fairly well behaved this trip, although certainly not quiet. I think the whole store heard us singing the "Itsy Bitsy Spider" and "Old MacDonald." The kids are almost too big to sit next to each other without invading each other's space in this cart now. They are getting so big!

Monday, July 21, 2008

Time to Play Dress Up

Alex has been going into his bedroom closet which he calls his dressing room and coming out in some crazy outfits lately. To encourage this, I pulled together a few suitcases full of dress up clothes for the kids. When they saw everything all together, they acted like it was Christmas in July! They had a blast parading around in old Halloween costumes, ballet tutus, fireman hats, snowsuits, and other things we gathered together from the backs of the closets. This new activity is guaranteed to provide hours of fun and more funny pictures in days to come.

Ribbit, Ribbit
An Abominable Snowman
The Well-Accessorized Kitty Cat

Friday, July 18, 2008

A Dinner Party with Ellie and Mady

Aunt Melinda needed to run some errands while Uncle Tony out of town, so Ellie and Mady came over to the Walker house at dinnertime Friday evening.

Elena was so happy to see her cousins!
Ellie laughed and laughed while Alex provided some dinner entertainment.
After dinner, the girls played dolls together.

Alex and Elena were sad when it was time for their cousins to head home at bedtime. We hope they come back soon!

Where Julie Go?

Julie is a pharmacy student at Butler University who babysat for Alex & Elena Thursday mornings during the past school year. The kids love her, in part since they baked cookies with icing and sprinkles every time she visited. This summer she stayed with us for four weeks while taking the hardest class ever- Organic Chemistry. Watching her study brought back memories of those stressful days! The kids loved having Julie around so much this past month, especially during their daily pool outings and endless games of hide and seek. Elena loved her "girl time" with Julie, which included her first mani and pedi one evening. Whenever Julie was at class, Elena scrunched up her shoulders and asked "Where Julie Go?" - her first three word sentence! We will be hearing a lot more of that around here in the coming weeks now that Julie is back home with her family for the rest of the summer. Hopefully when Butler starts back up, Julie will have time to come over again!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Water Parks Help Beat the Heat

Mom has been taking some time off of work this summer to do fun things with the kids. On Thursday morning we had a play date with Aunt Melinda, Ellie and baby Madeline. We went to two different water parks in search of some relief from the 92 degree weather. The first park at 146th Street had a great playground, but the water park never turned on. The kids played and climbed like monkeys until they couldn't take the heat for one minute longer. We drove down the street to the Hazel Dell water park and watched as the Carmel Parks repairmen fixed the water sensors- it turns out it was a park wide problem! There was a cheer from all the moms and kids when they finished and the splashing fun began.
Alex turned on the faucet...
And let the water pour down!
Ellie checked things out from her favorite vantage point- upside down.Elena enjoyed being at the park, but didn't like getting wet- surprising since she is a little mermaid in the swimming pool.
Elena preferred playing with baby Mady instead. Mady was an excellent napper in her double stroller underneath a towel, even though Elena kept peeking in at her.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Princess Picky Eater

Elena has turned out to be our picky eater. She puts every inedible object imaginable in her mouth. She eats dirt and flowers from the garden, rocks, caterpillars, and sand from the sand box on a regular basis. However, mealtime is a daily struggle. We have tried coaxing, making it a game, bribing with fruit or dessert, and even re-offering dinner for breakfast when she has not eaten. She has learned to take fake bites to fool us into thinking she is eating. Oh well. She somehow manages to eat enough to chase her brother around all day, although it is hard to imagine how. It must be the caterpillars...

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Little Artists

We started out a beautiful Sunday morning on the deck with coffee and the newspaper. The kids joined us while still in their pajamas. As usual, Elena insisted on wearing her cat rain boots. They look adorable, but are not very practical so we have to argue with her about not wearing them everywhere all time (including bed). She is already a little fashonista at age 2!
The kids were not satisfied to read up on the war in Iraq, so turned their attention to putting their artistic skills to work instead.
Elena did a particularly good job painting herself. Thank goodness for washable paints!In no time, there were 20 paintings. Alex organized them all on the deck benches like an art gallery. He then took us on "a guided tour" where he discussed each piece while they dried in the sun.
"Mom & Jeff" by Alex
Alex still refers to his Dad as Jeff a majority of the time! Mom apparently has no need for arms on a lazy Sunday morning.
"Circles" by Elena
Elena has gotten very good at identifying shapes recently. Stars are her favorite shape, but are a little hard for her to draw.

"Baseball and Golf Players" by Alex
It is all about sports all the time with Alex.
"All Done!" by Elena
Elena put 20 coats of paint on this one sheet of paper before she finally declared it "All Done."

"Uncle Tony" by Alex

Alex LOVES his Uncle Tony, and insisted that this painting looked just was him. Maybe he was inspired by the hair?