Saturday, July 26, 2008

Swimming Like Fish

We always ask the kids if they plan to swim like fish before we head to the pool, but there is no need to ask. The kids have become wonderful swimmers this summer.

Elena takes a minute to decide whether she is ready to jump in.

Meanwhile, Alex is already swimming laps. Elena quickly overcame any apprehension and began to do crazy jumps off the side of the pool. She will jump whether or not anyone is there to catch her. She will even jump off the diving board. She has no fear! Alex is brave enough now to dive into the deep end and go all the way down to touch the bottom. No hands necessary for our little mermaid in her floaties.
Jeff has been patient and consistent in teaching the kids to swim this summer. They even go some evenings when he gets home from work as late as 7pm.Doing flips in the air is the best part of the pool. Alex likes to see how high up he can get, and makes Jeff do it again and again, giving him a pretty good workout in the process.
Again, Again!
Elena's turn to fly!

Elena took a drink break from all the flying.

And then practiced her modeling walk in Dad's huge shoes.

The boys head out from the pool to get dried off.Alex took a minute to look cool in Jeff's baseball cap.While drying off, the kids spotted the cell phone in the pool bag, and both wanted to play it immediately.
Elena did not react well to having to share, so hit her brother. She may be a small little girl, but she knows how to get her point across. Alex was a little sad, but didn't hit back. He is such a good big brother!
Elena saw his sad face and quickly apologized. All was quickly forgiven. We packed up to head home for dinner, but we will be back again soon!