Sunday, July 13, 2008

Little Artists

We started out a beautiful Sunday morning on the deck with coffee and the newspaper. The kids joined us while still in their pajamas. As usual, Elena insisted on wearing her cat rain boots. They look adorable, but are not very practical so we have to argue with her about not wearing them everywhere all time (including bed). She is already a little fashonista at age 2!
The kids were not satisfied to read up on the war in Iraq, so turned their attention to putting their artistic skills to work instead.
Elena did a particularly good job painting herself. Thank goodness for washable paints!In no time, there were 20 paintings. Alex organized them all on the deck benches like an art gallery. He then took us on "a guided tour" where he discussed each piece while they dried in the sun.
"Mom & Jeff" by Alex
Alex still refers to his Dad as Jeff a majority of the time! Mom apparently has no need for arms on a lazy Sunday morning.
"Circles" by Elena
Elena has gotten very good at identifying shapes recently. Stars are her favorite shape, but are a little hard for her to draw.

"Baseball and Golf Players" by Alex
It is all about sports all the time with Alex.
"All Done!" by Elena
Elena put 20 coats of paint on this one sheet of paper before she finally declared it "All Done."

"Uncle Tony" by Alex

Alex LOVES his Uncle Tony, and insisted that this painting looked just was him. Maybe he was inspired by the hair?