Friday, July 18, 2008

Where Julie Go?

Julie is a pharmacy student at Butler University who babysat for Alex & Elena Thursday mornings during the past school year. The kids love her, in part since they baked cookies with icing and sprinkles every time she visited. This summer she stayed with us for four weeks while taking the hardest class ever- Organic Chemistry. Watching her study brought back memories of those stressful days! The kids loved having Julie around so much this past month, especially during their daily pool outings and endless games of hide and seek. Elena loved her "girl time" with Julie, which included her first mani and pedi one evening. Whenever Julie was at class, Elena scrunched up her shoulders and asked "Where Julie Go?" - her first three word sentence! We will be hearing a lot more of that around here in the coming weeks now that Julie is back home with her family for the rest of the summer. Hopefully when Butler starts back up, Julie will have time to come over again!