Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Elena Celebrates 2 Years of Being a Walker!

It is hard to believe only two years have passed since Elena joined the Walker family!

Elena with her Walker Day Chocolate CakeOur lives without her adorable presence is a distant memory. She is a little shadow to Alex- she even potty trained early to be just like him. She follows him everywhere, and is not scared to try new things with him by her side. Her excitement and cheers (often for the smallest of things, like petting the cats) is contagious. "Up" was her first word, and is indicative of her desire to be close to those she loves. She now demands to "sit lap," even if I am in the middle of cooking or doing laundry so that she can have a little cuddle. She has become an bookworm at two, rarely going far without a book. She brings "5 Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed" to sleep with her every night. She insists on giving hugs and kisses whenever she leaves a place; Mrs. Zawadski and Grandma Sandy are frequent recipients. Elena's sweet side is tempered by her willfulness and determination. She has no trouble saying no or letting you know when she is unhappy. She has thrown herself down on the floor in the middle of a store on more than one occasion. Dinner time can be a battle of the wills in order to get her to actually eat. Yet she somehow times her "luv you Mommy" for exactly the moment I need to hear it most. Her ability to simultaneously bring laughter while melting our hearts is a continual source of joy.

Elena Couldn't Wait to Bite Into her Cake
Watching her journey from babyhood to toddler and now on to little girl on a daily basis is a blessing we can not imagine missing. Each night when I rock Elena at bedtime, I sing "You are my Sunshine" to her. We are so blessed to have her sunshine in our lives!