Friday, December 26, 2008

Sledding Fun in Michigan

It was freezing cold in Michigan during our Christmas visit, but that did not stop the Walker clan from bundling up to sled at Warwick Country Club. Jeff grew up swimming and playing golf over at Warwick, which has the best sledding hill in the world.

This was Elena's first sledding adventure. She borrowed a snowsuit from cousin Molly, and was ready to go!
Cousin Shawn helped Alex go down the hill alongside cousins Eric, Mitchell and JD. Uncle Jimmy helped Alex get back up the big hill.
Alex at the bottom of the hill with all the sleds.

Aunt Lori with Molly and Ellie. Cousin Sofie is only 5 months old, so she sat this session out. We are looking forward her joining us next year!
This run had so much speed, the sleds crossed the street into a neighbor's yard. I was glad I wasn't there to see this, or might have packed up and headed home!
The girls played in the snow together.
Alex piled on Mitchell and JD for a ride down the hill together.
Shawn and Eric take a break for the ever-present camera.
Elena was more interested in eating the snow than playing in it.
Uncle Tommy gave Jeff and Elena a push down the hill.
Isabelle and Elena head down together.
Uncle Tommy gives Alex a ride back up.
Christopher, Mitchell and Blake head back up together.
Alex, Jeff, Elena and Isabelle say cheese for the camera.
Only minor wounds were sustained, including a bruised chin and bumped forehead for Alex.