Monday, December 1, 2008

Elena's Big Girl Bed

Elena climbed out of her crib Thanksgiving night, claiming when I found her standing at the top of the stairs that she needed to use the potty. She is mostly potty trained now, but has still been wearing pull-ups at night. Unfortunately, she does not like to keep the pull-ups on when they get wet. After she climbed out a few more times this week, we decided it is finally time to switch her crib to a toddler bed. Jeff made the necessary conversions to the frame, I put on her new big girl sheets and comforter, and we all made a big fuss about her finally being big enough for a big girl bed.
After a trial run, she still wasn't entirely sure about the change. So we read a few books together...
...and then Alex got into bed with her to help get her more comfortable with the change. He is such a terrific big brother to her! She has been out of the new toddler bed a few times so far this evening with the excuse of using the potty, but is fast asleep now. It is a little sad that our "baby" is no longer in a crib, but we are excited to celebrate this happy milestone in her life.