Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Sweet Caroline

Although our family says prayers together every night before bed, Alex asked me while he was brushing his teeth one morning this week if it would be okay to also say a prayer for God to hear when it wasn't nighttime. I said of course, and he told me he wanted to pray for his friend Caroline Symmes.

Caroline is 4 years old classmate of Alex's at the BJE. She was diagnosed with a Wilms tumor in October. She has been a very brave girl for multiple surgeries and all her chemo treatments. Our family has enjoyed bringing meals to her and her two younger siblings while she was in the middle of her treatment cycle. This was not necessary recently since she had been feeling so well. She even returned back to school in December.

Unfortunately, Caroline had a pretty significant relapse over the holidays. She is back at Riley Children's Hospital now getting some mega doses of chemo for her new tumor, and will stay there as an inpatient for at least two more weeks. Our family has been keeping Caroline and her family in our prayers. It would be wonderful if you could add her to your list as well.