Thursday, January 29, 2009

You Talk

Elena LOVES books. Of course we read books as a family at bedtime and go to the library together, but Elena wants books with her at all times. She brings them with her everywhere: on the potty, in the car, into bed. She will bring a book for us to read to her at least 5 times a day. When I am distracted or busy doing something else, she will poke me with the book and command "you talk." It is hard to ignore her! In this photo, she took a time out from basement play time with dad to read a favorite Dr. Seuss book with Mom.
Jeff and the kids plated steamroller and wrestled a bit more before it was time to head up to bed. After a long day of being a serious grown-up doctor with his patients, it is fun to see Jeff be a big kid with Alex and Elena.