Wednesday, August 20, 2008

First Day of School

The first day of school finally arrived! We have been preparing for this big day for weeks. The kids picked out new backpacks at Pottery Barn Kids, bought new shoes, visited their classrooms, and talked about the friends that would be in their class.Although Alex has been going to the BJE since age 2, he was not happy about going back after the Summer of Fun with Logan. Alex loved going to the pool, playing police officers, riding his bike to the park, playing basketball and doing golf lessons with the coolest playmate ever- one that could drive and did not have to worry about doing laundry. In contrast, Elena was excited about being a big girl who goes to school. Too bad her backpack is almost as big as she is.Thankfully, her happy attitude was contagious! Alex finally agreed to smile for the camera after watching Elena ham it up for Mom.
Time to stop taking pictures and go!