Friday, August 15, 2008

Playdate with the Robinson Girls

After a busy week getting ready to go back to school, we had a lazy morning at home on Friday. The kids helped to make blueberry muffins and cinnamon rolls from scratch that morning before Aunt Melinda stopped by with her girls. It is so nice having them live just down the street! Ellie was not interested in the baked gods, but had fun tasting some different toys.

Yummy Refrigerator MagnetsElena showed Ellie how she plays mommy with her dolls. Ellie was not too interested in that game, perhaps because she has her own baby with little Maddie at home.
Three Little Monkeys Jumping on the BedThe kids turned on the music in Elena's room, climbed in the crib and danced together.

Babysitter in Training?Elizabeth and Melinda were busy sharing decorating ideas upstairs and lost track of time. Luckily, Alex snuck downstairs and watched over baby Maddie. He is such a good cousin!