Tuesday, August 12, 2008

The Indiana State Fair

This is the second week that kids have been home without a babysitter waiting for school to start back up. Everyone was well-behaved at Elizabeth's doctor's appointment early on Tuesday morning, so afterwards we headed to the Indiana State Fair.

Our first stop was the animal barn. Alex jumped right in with feeding, petting and milking the cows, but Elena was a little more hesitant."I heard there were deep-friend snickers bars here somewhere. Why are we wasting time with these cows?" -Elena
We stopped at Pioneer Village, but our bag of popcorn was the only thing that interested them there. Thankfully, the farm equipment and trucks got a better reaction. The kids ran around climbing into the scoop of a bulldozer, touching the diggers, naming all the colors, counting the tractors, and making friends with anyone in a 5-mile radius."Ummm so this is fun and all, but how about those deep-friend snickers bars?" -Elena At another barn, there were lots of baby animals with their moms- chickens, cows, sheep and pigs. We saw a baby cow named Jeffrey, which the kids had a huge laugh about. See any resemblance? After our fun time at the Fair, we surprised Jeff at his office to eat lunch and share our adventures. After running through the office, Alex burst into the conference room filled with the doctors and drug reps and shouted "Where's MY Jeff?" which got a big laugh from everyone. Alex took this photo of his Dad while they were lounging together on the floor after the delicious drug rep lunch from Qdoba.

Nap Time!
After a trip to the bookstore, it was time to head home for a nap. Elena, our little fashionista, settled in for the drive home with her movie star sunglasses and elephant purse on.Of course Alex has sunglasses too, but he insisted on wearing his scuba goggles and snorkel instead. He is definitely in swimming mode after swim lessons last week!