Sunday, August 31, 2008

Aunt Melinda's Birthday

Aunt Melinda celebrated her 32nd birthday by hosting a cookout lunch for the Galvin clan on Sunday. We feasted on a delicious array of chicken, sausage, fruit salad, homemade salsa from Uncle Bill's garden, and cornbread. Even Princess Picky Eater (Elena) ate.
Birthday Girl with her matching girls and a coordinating Tony

A little after-lunch entertainment

Alex did his best impression of a turtle to make Ellie laugh while Aunt Kathy did her best to keep him in check. Uncle Bill copied Alex with Ellie's tree frog, which led to uncontrollable giggles from Elena.

A Frog Prince?

Alex picked out the birthday cake for Aunt Melinda all by himself. Alex & Mom had a special outing Sunday morning together to the bakery after spin class. Alex told the baker what should be written on the cake, and even helped spell Melinda's name. He was especially excited about all the blue frosting. Frosting is his favorite part of every cake, and often the only part he eats. This cake was no exception.

The other 30 candles were there in spirit

Uncle Bill helped Alex get his fill of frosting by sharing extra with him.

The blue frosting was potent! The "kids" showed off their blue tongues for Elizabeth's ever-present camera.
Alex Elena Uncle Bill

Fortunately no one had tummy aches that afternoon. What a fun party!