Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Dinner with Grandma Sandy

Jeff had a late business dinner and Elizabeth needed to get some work done at the office, so Grandma Sandy volunteered to come have dinner with the kids on Wednesday night. The kids were very excited to spend some time with her. Alex was especially hyper and full of funny faces.
Elena's smile didn't leave her face the entire visit. She loves all the attention she gets from Grandma Sandy.Grandma brought some fun finds from the dollar store, including a feather boa to add to the dress up bins.The kids were sad when Mom came home to out them to bed. Alex took a couple of photos of Grandma leaving as we waved goodbye at the door. Grandma brought some of our tomatoes home with her. Alex planted different vegetables at the beginning of the summer, and the tomatoes have overtaken the garden due to our neglect. I wonder if they tasted good?