Sunday, September 21, 2008

On Your Mark, Get Set, Go!

The kids started the morning with a race to the mailbox to get the newspaper. Since we get two newspapers, they both won! After getting Mom the newspaper, we decided to break out the finger paints on the deck. Alex is getting so good at writing his name, he can even do it with a paintbrush now. Alex also painted the family of his best friend Jack . The boys were scheduled for a play date Sunday afternoon, which Alex was very excited about.
The Andersons
Elena was more interested in eating the paint than creating works of art. But she stopped long enough to turn out this beautiful masterpiece. She did a nice job of using green- the color of the month in her preschool class.Little Grouch at the Wheel
Bored with playing artist, Elena and her paint covered self left the studio behind to pretend to drive Mom's car. Thank goodness for the easy to wipe down leather seats! Her mood and attention span have not been great the last few days, so this Oscar the Grouch shirt was a good wardrobe choice. She has been battling what will likely be the first of many colds now that she is around the preschool germies. The poor girl lost her voice and just wants to be cuddled. However, she is still her VERY opinionated (okay bossy) self. She insisted on wearing this shirt to bed and the entire next day as well. Hopefully she will start feeling better soon!