Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Ice Cream on the Monon

We stopped by a local ice cream store after school on Wednesday. The store is located on the Monon Trail, so we got window seats that allowed us to watch the bike riders, roller bladders and runners passing by.

Alex chose a waffle cone and Elena chose vanilla ice cream with sprinkles in a bowl.
While eating, Alex showed off his "golf course." This basiscally consists of him putting his waving fingers out by his shoulders. We have NO IDEA where this came from, but it makes us laugh every time. Elena was not all that happy with her ice cream choice, as evidenced by her furrow. Fortunately, Alex volunteered to trade. Of course his generosity may have had something to do with there being twice as much ice cream left in Elena's bowl than in his waffle cone... Elena was content to eat every last bite of the waffle cone. During our after school treat, the kids told me all about picture day at school. They seemed to enjoy cheesing it up for the camera. We are looking forward to seeing how those turned out soon.