Saturday, September 27, 2008

School Photos

The proofs for the kids' school pictures came in this week!

Alex Lounging For the Camera
What could he be thinking about here?
Alex and I have been have some especially interesting conversations lately. Our cat Ghengis had to be put to sleep last month, which has triggered lots of questions about what happens when you die. We have been talking about heaven, and our family members that are in heaven with Ghengis, but Alex has not quite grasped the concept yet. This weekend when Jeff was up on a ladder cutting down a tree branch, he asked if Dad was going to go "up, up to the sky to heaven with Great Grandma Eva." We will continue to talk about this...
Elena Hamming It Up
Elena loves being at school! Each night before putting her to bed, we talk about all the people we love. Her teacher, Mrs. Zawadski (can you believe she can say that name?), and her friend Evie are high on her list. She also cheers and claps when I tell her to put on her shoes for school in the morning. It is very reassuring that her school career is getting off to such a happy start.
Doesn't she look much older than 2 here?