Thursday, October 16, 2008

A Fun Fall Vacation Day

There have been several Jewish holidays recently where the kids have been off from school. We took advantage of one of these days together to go to the Children's Museum, the teacher's supply store and a local pumpkin patch.

Elena is still recovering from her nasty head cold, so was a bit clingy for the beginning part of our Children's Museum visit to the Haunted House (thus the reason there are no photos from this part of our excursion). The Museum's Haunted House is an annual exhibit constructed by local volunteers which I loved to go to as a child. It can actually be a bit scary during the "spooky hours," so we went through during the "lights on" time in the morning instead. The kids enjoyed getting candy, a train whistle, stickers, a toothbrush, and other fun goodies in each of the decorated haunted train cars. Afterwards, we headed to our favorite part of the Museum- the dinosaurs!

Elena climbed in the dinosaur nest with her costume on and perked up enough to play independently for a few minutes.
Alex had a great time playing one of the dinosaur simulation computer games.
Alex enjoyed digging for dinosaur fossils in the special excavation area, but Elena wasn't interested in keeping her goggles on for long.Alex could have stayed and made up stories about the dinosaurs all day!
When we weren't paying attention, Elena tried to sneak off with one the dinosaurs. Maybe she thought Sea Horsey needed a friend?

We ended our time at the Museum at the Chihuly Glass Exhibit. It is amazing the think about all the work that went into the sculpture at the center of the Museum stairway. The kids had fun building their own scuplture with the plastic "glass" pieces.
Our next stop was at a local church that raises funds by selling pumpkins. We were planning to head to Stony Creek later in the week with Jeff, but Alex and Elena were so excited about picking out pumpkins to decorate with that we had to stop by. The kids touched just about every single pumpkin before deciding on 4 to take home. What a fun fall day!